Expansion Joints

Somewhat Daily Happenings of an Intern Architect


Ho Hum

So work is going incredilbly well. I have one client who is, almost embarassingly, happy with the designs I am producing. The thing is, I am not putting an extra amount of time or effort into this. At least it makes me look good in front of my bosses.

Running is not going well. Either the weather, my job, or my running partner is not cooperating. I am joining the gym this weekend, so I will at least get two days + the weekend in of working out. And, I'll get to work out with my hubby. Since he is mega-workoutman, this will be fun.

What is with all of the tests on Thing 1 and Thing 2's blogs? I tried one and it was soooooo off course that I decided not to waste my time on them. I like the questionaires better. Makes you dig deep. When is the next one coming?????

Well, off to a site tour. Downtown renovation - I love it!!!


Holy Grail, Batman!

I just had Monty Python's Holy Grail Ale. Not bad. Of course, I had to get it for the name. It's a nice surprise when you get a product because of the name, and it turns out to taste good, too. Kind of like Fat Bastard wine.

I ran this morning. Usually the weekends are a time for me to plant my ever growing butt on the couch and watch tv. I did that Sunday. I don't know what I watched, but I was in the horizontal position in front of the boob tube all day. Pathetic. So, to rectify that extreme laziness (I did clean half our house that morning, so it wasn't like I was TOTALLY lazy) anyway, to rectify the half day of extreme laziness, I decided that I needed to run. I ran last Monday. Ended up going a mile in about 10 minutes. Which, I was quite happy with, seeing that I haven't exercised in about three months. So today, I went 1.3 miles in 12 minutes. If my math is correct, that is 9.23 minute mile. I feel pretty good. I know I can push myself to at least two miles. The problem is, I am supposed to be running with another girl at the office. She is way behind me, and complains. This is not going to last long. I mean, it's nice to have a running partner, but she always has something come up, so we really haven't been able to run together consistently. I am considering running in the morning - oh, too early I need my sleep. Or, run after work. I also am studying after work, so I don't see much time to just veg out. I guess I don't really need to watch tv. It's very addictive. Bad television. Hypnotizing me. Blah. Anyway, I figure if I can run three miles, three days a week and do light weights two days a week, then that should be good. I mean, it has to be better than what I've been doing - NOTHING!!!!

So, there were a couple of open houses down the street from us, and my neighbor and I walked down to see what they were like and how much they were asking. One house had all shag carpet, wood paneling and had a very chopped up floor plan. They were asking $185,000. The other house was a little more updated, but the floor plan was still pretty choppy. That one was going for $170,000. They were both built in the 1920's and were 1 1/2 stories. Our house was built in 1900, has all wood or tile floors, much higher ceilings and a more open floor plan. Plus, it has been updated. I can't wait to see what we get for it. Not that we are selling, but it will be a nice profit.

Well, I think it is dinner time. Spinich and feta cheese pizza with a cornmeal crust. We'll see how that is.



It is strange to me how you can lay beside someone and get your hair shampooed and have conversations and have never met the person before.

And the conversations people have ....

This girl Cami was washing this guy's hair in the beauty salon last night. James (my amazing hair dresser) and I go in to the "washing room". Cami and this guy are having a conversation about how she dates big guys. Like her current boyfriend is 300 lbs. He is referring to these guys as "jumbos". Then she asks if he has ever dated large girls. He said he tried it, but it didn't work out. Then she starts talking about how she doesn't like man boobs. I wonder if there is anyone that really does. Anyway, that was all very interesting. Oh, and as the guy leaves, he looks over at me and says "I'm glad you aren't big". Yeah, I am too.

Then, while getting my hair cut, James and I get into one of our always interesting conversations. I told him last time about how Desiree hates the word "moist". Now, everytime he hears that word, he laughs. He has decided that he hates the word "squirt". Interesting. I won't even get into that conversation.

Oh, so HAPPY EARTH DAY! I am not sure what you are supposed to do today. Plant a tree? How about assassinate the President before he totally screws up everything that has been done for the environmental cause. Oh, that will probably raise some flags. If you are monitoring me, FBI, I have no intentions to kill the president. I know no one who would actually do it, and I respect the office of the President. Plus, I don't have any means of murdering someone, nor do I know how to acquire them. So, don't worry about me.

Tonight we are going out for sushi. It has become our favorite cusine. You never leave feeling bloated or like you ate too much. Much better than the food from the old U.S of A



The flowers are dead

My wonderful middle sister sent me a bouquet of daisy's for my birthday (it was on March 9th). The flowers are finally ready to be thrown away. I think that's pretty good. Flowers usually don't last that long ...

So, it is pretty interesting how much we rely on technology. I mean, my job is almost totally dependant on computers. It's actually kind of sad, really. Take today for example. We have color renderings that need to be plotted for a package that goes out tomorrow. One of the files was corrupt, so it ended up taking all of the plotters and printers in the office off line. We were basically shut down until I tried getting into the file and updating the fonts and re-plotting. All better. If that hadn't worked, we would have been in a world of hurt. Sucks. I know that there are tons of advantages to technology, but sometimes it becomes really inconvient.

Hmm... I have been listening to Jack Johnson and Ben Harper today. It's really that kind of day. Very mellow, gray and quiet. I would rather be at home with a cup of tea and reading a book, but I'll stick it out at work for THREE AND A HALF MORE HOURS. blah.

It is officially after lunch, so I had better get back to it.



Thank you Josh! I downloaded Goldwave and saving the mp3 as a wav file was a piece of cake. Now everytime I get an email at work, instead of the generic "ding" I will have Napolean Dynamite saying "Lucky". It's the little things that bring a smile to my day.

Well, the Dyson vacuum cleaner is a must have for all domestic types. It is amazing the dust and fur that was in our house. And we clean - I thought thouroughly - every week. It's kind of scary.

The weather is absolutely beautiful this weekend. Both days have been sunny and in the 70's. This is by far my favorite time of year. Everything is blooming, the weather is warm, neighbors are starting to come out of hibernation and everyone seems to be in a better mood. I would like to live in perpetual springtime weekends. Life just seems so full of hope and plans of things to come. It's a time of year when dreams seem like they can become reality.

I hope that no matter what my age, I am still able to dream. I know there are a lot of things that I wanted to do when I was in college, but when I got out into the "real world" it became apparent that it wasn't feasible. However, there are still a lot of things that could come true. I don't ever want to loose that hopefulness. Or the ability to play. In my 31 years of life and experience, that is the important thing I have discovered. If you don't play, life can suck. Never take yourself, or those around you, too seriously. Life's too short for that. You may not have the chance to have fun later in life. Enjoy it now. Maybe that is the other great thing about spring, our individual lives also have the chance to start fresh. I think new year resolutions should not be made in January, but in March.

My Springtime resolutions: to appreciate. Appreciate my friends, appreciate the beauty in this world, appreciate my husband, appreciate my family. Each aspect of my life has interesting and unique qualities that make me feel a happiness that almost brings me to tears each time I think about them. I need to spend more time knowing that happiness. I am truly blessed in my simple life. I need everyone to know it, and to know what part they have played in it.

I'll start now: Desiree and Summer, you continuously make me laugh in your own way. Desiree always has some adventure that only she could get herself into and embelish in her descriptions. Summer is continually growing into an adult and it is great to see her sense of perception develop. It is indeed unique (and always has been - poor birds). Dad continues to grow stronger even through all of the trials he has had in his life. He is the best example of how to live. He never judges. Even though I am not religious, he embodies what I think a true Christian should be. My husband continues to love and support me. He allows me to dream. Not many people have that opportunity when the bills and stress of life comes. I do. My neighbors are always there and allow us to be ourselves.

I want to thank you all. I don't do that often enough.


Watch out

I'm on a roll.

I actually had a hard time spelling "watch". It is 4:00 Friday.

Well, I am now 55% architect. I got results for yet another test. Only four more to go. Good times.

I tried to find a sound byte from Napolean Dynamite that is in wav. format so I can set it to notify me when I have email. No luck. All of the sound bytes were mp3 formats. If you know how to save a mp3 file to a wav file, or if you have found free downloadable ND wav files, let me know. Presently my notification is tweetybird. It'll do.

So, tonight's a big night. Celebrating the passing of another test with my husband at Chili's - Boneless Buffalo Wings ... what a treat. And then shopping for the new vacuum. My life is incredibly exciting. I know people are envious.

I have a funny feeling that my blog is only being read by my two younger sisters. Maybe I should give it up. I am 31. Maybe that is too old to be blogging. Who knows. I certainly don't have the adventures that Desiree has. Hmmmm.

Has anyone seen American Splendor? I have it to watch.

work is boring ... blah blah blah


Hot Diggety Dog

I don't know, I just wanted to use that expression.

So, I'm sitting here, sorta waiting for a client to call me back (even though it's after 5), sorta working and catching up on my sister's blogs. My two podmates are still here and we are listening to some blues (the upbeat kind). It's a party atmosphere here at the firm. It's getting kind of clouded outside. Oh have I mentioned that I have a great view at my new desk? I can look out and see my neighborhood. I can't quite see my house, but it nice. I also see a cardinal sitting on a tree outside of the window. I think it is very cool that we are the home of the Cardinals and we have two resident Cardinals at our house.

Tonight we are grilling burgers (buffalo burgers that is). Yummmy!

Ho hum. I can't wait until this weekend. I will have a new Dyson DC07 Animal vacuum cleaner. I am so excited. This $500 vacuum better be all that I imagine it will be.

I say 5:30 and my client is not going to be calling me back. Plus if she does, I really shouldn't still be at work. Oh, I passed another test. I am 4/9ths architect.