What? Who?
So, this blogger thing is no go of late. Who has time? Although, evidently I do have a bit of time now ... we'll see how long this lasts.
Lukas is 13-1/2 months old. He is walking, "jumping", and getting into everything. He is very much boy - you can always find him with a stick in his hand. He has different noises for each of his cars, trucks and boats. Of course, everything seems to have a motor now. He loves books, bikes, balloons, and animals. He is getting pretty good at his animal noises - tiger and snake were the first. He really isn't "speaking", but I noticed a couple of days ago he is changing the inflection in his voice. Really interesting. He also spanks himself when he does something he knows he shouldn't. He knows - it just doesn't stop him.

We are having a bit of an issue with nighttime sleeping. He stopped nursing last Thursday (sniff, sniff - it was harder than I thought - for me), but putting him to bed has gone pretty well. He wakes up two or three times a night. I usually go in, check on him, and rock him for a couple of minutes, then back in his crib. Sometimes it goes well, others he does not want to go back to his crib. I am wondering if he relies on me checking on him ... hard to know what to do. Otherwise, no problems. He takes two good naps a day. Eats very well. Is extremely good natured.
I have been studying non-stop for the past couple of months. I took my *hopefully* next to last exam for Architectural Registration 1-1/2 weeks ago. I'll take the *last* one in another month or so. I will be so glad to get this out of the way. I should find out my results in 1-3 weeks.
Otherwise, we are just trying to stay cool, and keep some money in the bank. Groceries have gone over the top with prices. I am buying 90% fresh food (dairy, meat, veggies and fruit) and it is still $200/ week. Ridiculous! I tried planting a couple of square foot gardens, but it's not going so well. I think I waited to late to plant, and I didn't add lime to the tomatoes and peppers. Oh well, second planting is a couple of months away.
11 days until Desiree is married. It's hard to believe both of my little sisters will be married and starting on the wonderful life journey of families of their own. It is pretty exciting, and has been cause for much reflection over Christian and my last 10 years together (yep, September 5th with be big 1-0). I just feel more and more blessed each year.
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