Expansion Joints

Somewhat Daily Happenings of an Intern Architect


It Always Comes In Threes ...

We had the "mournful" week ....
We had my back going out ...
We had the clutch go out in our car ...

That's it! That's three! Bring on the happiness!

Actually, I want to thank all of our friends and family for helping us get through the tough times we've had recently. I don't know why our move hit us so late, but it did, and it hit hard. However, everyone rallied around us and brought us back to the fact that, although it was difficult at the time, and it is still a little difficult, we did make the right decision for us. We will be able to grow in our careers, in our personal life, and who knows what else will come our way!

As far as my back goes, it still hurts, but after a week off of work, I am trying to hobble through the day. I have an appointment with an orthopedic specialist next Tuesday. Hopefully, it won't be too serious and time will heal it. Until then I'll just look like an old woman hunched over and walking slow.

And three ... we were on our way to Hilton Head Island Friday evening (about 10 miles out of town) when the engine started racing and smoke started coming out of the car. We pull over and a nice man stops and immediately tells us the clutch is out. He directs us back down the road about a mile to a service station. The owner looks at the car, confirms the diagnosis, and tells us not to drive above 40 mph. So, we head back to the apartment where we switch vehicles (my dad has been kind enough to let us use his beater of a truck) and head back down the road. The ride was not as comfy, and by the time we get to HHI, my back is killing me! But, we made it and there was a delicious lasagna dinner waiting for us. Our room had a two person jacuzzi tub that I took advantage of Saturday afternoon. I know I am trying to simplify my life, but our next house HAS to have one of those!!!! It was perfect for easing my back pain.

We had a great weekend with Christian's brother and his family. It was great to see the kids! We even got to celebrate Stephen's 15th birthday!

So, $1100 later, the clutch is fixed and our life is back to normal.


When It Rains, It Pours

I have died, my soul is trapped in purgatory, and I am looking down on my old life in Springfield and mourning because I can no longer be a part of it.

Not just sad. Gut wrenching sobbing because of the loss I feel.

This was my weekend.

We moved to Augusta to be closer to family, to give Christian the opportunity to further his career, and because I wanted to get back "home" - the South. Well, it hurts. Augusta is not the type of city we can live in. There are so many things that are wrong, corrupt, not available. My job is just depressing. We have started mourning the life we built together. The life we left.

Christian and I moved to Springfield a few months after I graduated from grad school. It was where we matured. It is where our professions matured. It is where we met the best friends of our life. It is where we bought our first home. It is where we were a vital part of the community and neighborhood. We were doing things. We were making a difference.

It is where we put down our first roots.

Now they have been ripped up and I don't know when and where they will start to grow again.

My heart is breaking ...

... but I have to endure.

Push through it. Keep my eye on the positive. Tuck in those emotions and be strong. I know it is "right", but why does doing the right thing have to hurt so much?

On top of all of that, I threw my back out yesterday.

Pray for us.