When It Rains, It Pours
I have died, my soul is trapped in purgatory, and I am looking down on my old life in Springfield and mourning because I can no longer be a part of it.
Not just sad. Gut wrenching sobbing because of the loss I feel.
This was my weekend.
We moved to Augusta to be closer to family, to give Christian the opportunity to further his career, and because I wanted to get back "home" - the South. Well, it hurts. Augusta is not the type of city we can live in. There are so many things that are wrong, corrupt, not available. My job is just depressing. We have started mourning the life we built together. The life we left.
Christian and I moved to Springfield a few months after I graduated from grad school. It was where we matured. It is where our professions matured. It is where we met the best friends of our life. It is where we bought our first home. It is where we were a vital part of the community and neighborhood. We were doing things. We were making a difference.
It is where we put down our first roots.
Now they have been ripped up and I don't know when and where they will start to grow again.
My heart is breaking ...
... but I have to endure.
Push through it. Keep my eye on the positive. Tuck in those emotions and be strong. I know it is "right", but why does doing the right thing have to hurt so much?
On top of all of that, I threw my back out yesterday.
Pray for us.
So come back.
Just kidding.
We certainly would welcome you back, but I think Dan is on to something when he says that location is a state of mind. I grew up in a family that attempted to solve problems with geography. It doesn't work, but it is as helpless to salve your soul by staying put as it is to roam.
Place does not your spirit calm.
You may partly be experiencing the emotional turmoil of change still. Or, your spiritual angst may be manifesting itself in this.
I would take a page from the zen masters: Be. Don't dwell on the past or try to manufacture goofy illusions about the future. Learn to exist fully aware of and present in the now. Open yourself to relationships, most notably with Christian and your family; but widen the circle to the Other. Whether the Other is a neighbor, a co-worker, or God, give it the opportunity to BE something.
I agree that you should keep writing, but I would suggest that you look to your flesh and blood relationships as more important than your cyber friends.
I will in fact pray for you. Get ready.
Oh Heather, Springfield is sooo...1998...ha. Really, I know there has to be a few cool people in Augusta, you just have to find them and open up to new friendships. You will find it.
Hey, I am watching it snow again! This time fast and furious not big and dreamy flakes like that one day.
I don't have any advice really,
Listen to your dad.
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