I am a minority.
Besides the fact that I am female, it seems not being affiliated with a religion AND being liberal in my political and social views makes me very strange. (but, I've been told I am loved anyway - nice to know).
The hate that I have seen (luckily in the media, and not first hand) during this past election saddens me. The thing that I find VERY ironic is all that hate seems to be coming from the Christian right. Does that make sense? Aren't those who are religious, those who are supposed to be followers of God, aren't they supposed to be the ones who are preaching (and living) a life of love toward fellow man? They aren't.
After the election, and all of the coverage of the hatemongers (Republicans/ Christians), I started really thinking about where I stand. I felt I needed to vent in a public forum, and not just to my husband.
Politically: I align myself with the Democratic party. In general, that party places importance and has the same views on the issues I find important. I need not go into issue by issue details, it's just the fact. I will also (probably) always align myself with the Democratic nominee for President. Initially, I did not jump on the Obama bandwagon. However, I have found it very exciting that he has been elected. Historically, his election is extremely significant, and I am proud to have been a part of such an important event. I am also relieved that Palin did not worm her way into the White House. That woman frightens me, and to think that the American people almost elected such a nut would have surely sent me to Canada. Luckily, intelligence prevailed. Whew!
Religiously: I think all organized religion is a crock. Yep, I said it. However, I do not judge those who belong to this church or that. It is their reality. It is what they believe. It is what they need in their lives. Great. I don't, so don't judge me. Just because you go to church every week, you read the bible, you pray, you do all of your other rituals, does that mean you are better than me? Are you giving freely of yourselves to fellow humanity? Are you protecting the earth that your God gave you? Are you practicing love? Too often, I am not seeing that. You cannot tell me that just because I do not go to church and do not believe in your God that I am damned. It is not your place to judge me (per your own rules). I do not claim that I know the correct answers, but it doesn't matter to me. My goal for this life is to come to its end, look back, and know that I was the best human I could be. That I protected the earth the best I could. That I raised children who were tolerant, non-judgemental and loving in every sense of the word. That I gave of myself to my fellow man without expectations of something in return - that I did it because it was the right thing to do. If I cannot see that I have lived my life selflessly and with love, then maybe I am damned. But, I cannot believe, that if there is a God, he will damn me just because I did not go to a church.
I am tired.
Tired of all the hate that is in this world.
Tired of the judgement.
Tired of the hypocrisy.
At least with the elected President, I have had a renewed feeling of hope. He may not be able to bring about the change that is needed, but it's a beginning. It makes me hopeful of my future and my children's future. It makes me remember that, although I am just one, I can contribute to the bigger cause and make a difference.
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