Expansion Joints

Somewhat Daily Happenings of an Intern Architect



Lukas Friedrich Lentz was born at 12:07 pm, Friday, June 15, 2007. He was 9 pounds even and 21 inches long. We had some minor complications in labor earlier that morning. After the doctor broke my water, Lukas' heart rate dropped. The doctor was able to stabilize him, but we decided to go ahead and have a c-section. There was no need for me to risk further stress on him just to have a natural birth. We experienced every emotion possible in that 24 hour time period. It was the most amazing thing to hear his first cry and to know that little thing that had been inside of me was a real little boy. He is really great. We are slowly figuring each other out and we are all three getting into a schedule. I'm feeling pretty good, but obviously sore from the c-section. Christian has been doing a great job of taking care of stuff around the house, and taking care of me. I have only had one period that was overwhelming. Overall, I am just taking things as they come and making the adjustments I need to. I feel pretty confident about being able to do this, and just love looking at this little thing Christian and I made.



The End (or Beginning) Is Near

After much thought and discussion with my doctor, and another sonogram, we decided to induce. I will check into the hospital Thursday evening and be induced Friday. Hopefully, all will go quickly and we'll have a baby boy later that day. (Dad, sorry he is a week too late to preempt your sermonette).


Get Out Of My Belly!!!

I am done with this pregnancy thing. No more trying to look on the bright side and enjoy it. I am miserable.

I decided that I am too tired and too preoccupied to continue working, so I went in to the office and discussed it with my boss. By 1:00 everything was wrapped up, and I was officially "off the clock". I understand now why everyone kept questioning my decision to work up until I go into labor. There is just no point. This way, I can rest when needed - which is more often than not since I really don't sleep during normal sleeping hours - and get some household chores done.

I did seem to have burst of energy Tuesday. By 8:30 am, I was taping off our hallway. By 10:00 am, it was being painted Mali Orange.
It adds a nice punch of color to the house. In the evening, the sun hits it just right, and it glows. I am pretty happy with the results. Of course, I was obviously a little tired by the end, and we'll need to put a second coat on this weekend, but at least it is one project done. Christian was pretty surprised, but pleased when he got home that evening. I guess that is what is called nesting? I call it crazy.

I am four days away from my due date, and this kid is not budging. Time for long walks and cod liver oil.


We're Still Here

Well, I found out last week that I had my due date wrong this whole time. I am actually due June 12th, not the 15th. Now, I realize that number doesn't really mean too much, but it's still a little disconcerting. Anyway, now we are focused on next Tuesday. I wish it were that accurate. For the most part, I have had a pretty good pregnancy. Sure, I've had heartburn, indigestion, trouble sleeping, achy joints, exhaustion, but it's been good. All of that doesn't matter when I look at the ultrasound picture or feel him moving. It is truly amazing to know what I have been nurturing and growing for the past nine months. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Let's see, what else has happened in the last two months ...

My sister's threw me a great baby shower! Christian helped a few of our friends from Missouri come out and surprise me, and his uncle and aunt-to-be came down from Pennsylvania. It was great to have all of the family and friends there. In all of the negativity that is going on in today's world, being able to look around a room filled with friends and family is very encouraging. I know that, no matter what the condition of the world, our son will be surrounded by love and positive energy.

Christian and I have finished the nursery, including putting all the gifts and clothes up. He also finished the screened porch and has now moved on to the front yard.

Our house is surrounded by azaleas. They are literally everywhere. The old lady was a little obsessed. Anyway, a few weeks ago, after the blooms had died, we started pruning them. We got the sides and back in pretty good shape, but the front azaleas were so large that when we pruned them, half of them were dead growth. I fought to keep them, thinking they will come back next season, and we can work with them. We also had two islands of azaleas hiding tree stumps in the front yard. They were smaller plants, and we thought the scale would go better in front of the house than what was there. So, we decided to pull up all of the azaleas in the front of the house, move the smaller ones to replace them, and have the stumps ground out so we can work on grass and other plantings in those areas. Long story short, all of the azaleas in front of our house are gone. We now have patchy grass and three huge oak trees. We are just going to start fresh. It actually looks better. Sad. So, that is our next house project. Of course, I am picking out $200 plants, so it may take a while to get it started, but for the rest of the summer, we'll be prepping the yard (as well as raising a baby). I warned Christian that the two weeks he is taking off after Lukas is born will not be spent doing yard work. I wouldn't put it past him.

I am still working full time, and plan to up until I go into labor. I did take today off to get a little more rest. I think I woke up every two hours last night, and could not go back to sleep. I do not believe that this is preparing me for the late night/ early morning feedings that I can look forward to. I think this is leaving me sleep deprived.

Otherwise, we are waiting. Didn't Tom Petty say waiting is the hardest part? It's true. I know time will run it's course, and I should enjoy the pregnancy, but we are days away from the most amazing thing we have ever experienced. I am anxious about the whole childbirth thing, and am ready to get that behind me, and I am also ready to meet this little guy and introduce him to the world.