Rub your belly at least once a day to promote happiness.
I think that a blog offers the opportunity to have great debates on interesting and controversial topics. That being said, I think I will start introducing discussion topics. Hopefully it will get responses. If not, you are all boring.
In the movie Napolean Dynamite, the llama was named Tina. Also, the actress who played Deb is named Tina in real life. Tina means river in Old English and Hindu. What was the significance of giving the llama this name?
River can often times be used as a symbol for life, so it's quite obvious that Tina, the llama, represents human kind--the journey through life as we know it. She is the life of the movie. And it's quite obvious that Napoleon Dynamite is a reference to the French general who's goal was to take over the world. Sure, he's just a campaign manager to Pedro now...but just wait. He's lurking in the shadows, waiting until he can build up a small army and take over, causing death and distruction wherever he goes. Therefore...Tina is Napoleon's bane, thus explaining his disdain towards feeding Tina.
That is all.
Wrong Summer. Tina the actor is hot, so thus naming "the llama" Tinda creates a paradox, as rivers are not hot.
What I want to know... Do Llama's really eat ham?
That's odd - rubbing my belly only causes dispair. *sigh*
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