Expansion Joints

Somewhat Daily Happenings of an Intern Architect


It's an Asian kind of Day

I don't know what an Asian kind of day would actually be like, but at least in the food department I am going all Asian today. Sweet and Sour Chicken for lunch, sushi for dinner. I don't know why I even bother with the Chinese food. I really don't enjoy it that much. Oh well, at least I get good fortunes. Today's was "Your life will be happy and peaceful". Nice.

Not much going on today. Work is so-so. We have a set of drawings that need to get sent to the owner's rep. today or Monday. The way it is going, it looks like it will be Monday. The plotter is sooooo sllloooowwww. Plus, I discovered that you can only send so many drawings to the plotter before it gives you error messages. I guess 60 is the limit.

This weekend looks to be pretty relaxing. I will spend most of tomorrow studying, actually "practicing" for my last graphics test on Monday. After this, I have three more exams and I will be a registered architect. I sure hope I get through them with no problems. I plan on finishing them up by the end of the year. It hasn't helped that I have taken a summer hiatus. Oh well, back to the grind.

I've been thinking about the whole religion thing. I think I have peaked my family's interest by some of my recent comments on various blogs. I have to say that I am not actively pursuing an understanding. I do get moments of thoughts or inquiry, but I am not trying to find an answer. However, it is interesting when you look at the basis of all religions (that I have looked into). They are basically the same. No matter what rituals, holidays or holy days that go with the teachings, the basic message is love. I guess when I see that, I wonder why it matters what denomination you belong to (or if you even belong to any denomination). If you can seek to achieve love in your life without being Christian or Buddhist or Islam or whatever, why are you judged when you reveal that you are not "religious". I am amazed at how people instantly judge if they find out you don't go to church, or worse yet, you don't "believe" in God. It's like you suddenly become alien and they don't know how to deal with you.

It is very interesting to come to the realization of things in life. I am not sure that I like this "adult" thing.


At 26 August, 2005 16:54 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 28 August, 2005 10:34 , Blogger Michael said...

You've certainly piqued "Anonymous's" interest.


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