It is hard to believe that the year is 3/4 over. Where does the time go. Aging sucks.
Nothing much has gone on the past few days. Sunday evening we delivered a present to our friends who just had a baby. He was three weeks early, so he is on the small side, but oh so cute!!! Luckily they only live a block away and said I could come over to hold him any time. HeHeHe!! Monday we went to dinner at another couple who are moving to California. We had some excellent food and conversation. Hopefully they will do well.
This week we went to lift weights on Tuesday, and watched TV last night. Very exciting, I know. We are having friends over for dinner Saturday night. Two of the couples have new borns, so that should be fun. Now all of our friends have babies. It's crazy.
Pickens (our black cat) got sick this week. He puked in every room of our house Monday. We ignored it until the next morning. Who wants to clean up cat puke in the middle of the night? He has been quarantined and on a special diet for the last couple of days. Last night, I put his food in our room but left the door open. In walks our other cat and proceeds to eat ALL of his food. She ate more in one sitting than he did all day. What a piggy. Lucky for her she's cute.
We are finally getting some rain. I doubt it will make up our 6" deficit, but hopefully it will help.
One month from tomorrow is our seven year anniversary. Wow! That's pretty good. I guess we need to start figuring out if we are going out of town, or just doing something low key. I kind of want a piece of furniture instead of a trip. :)
Well, back to work.
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