Expansion Joints

Somewhat Daily Happenings of an Intern Architect


Where did it go?

It's been eleven days since I last posted, so I thought I should update.

Let's see, what has happened?

Thanksgiving has come and gone. This year has flown by. I think the move really knocked the whole time thing out of whack. We basically have a month and 2005 will be over. I will save my reflections on the year till that time. However, I will comment on Thanksgiving.

It was yet another Burdette Thanksgiving hosted by my dad. It has become a tradition. (Maybe not a Clemson tradition, but close). This year the crowd was a little smaller. One of dad's older brothers had to work and his younger sister went to Florida. Even without all the usual rebel rousers, we had a fun, unique evening. It seems that the past few years my sisters and I have learned more about our family and background. The aunts and uncles have opened up with more stories about their childhood. Maybe we are just getting older and appreciating it more. Either way, it's good to know where you come from and how you got there.

After much eating, a little drinking, and many stories, we all ended up in the sunroom for some pickin' and grinnin' (dad and Turkey Tom were pickin', we were grinnin'). My dad has a knack for getting into the music and really making it his own. We all had a lot of fun watching him. To top the evening off, my youngest sister performed several pieces on the cello. Kudoo's to you, sissypoo.

The next few weeks will be spent with family, working and just trying to get through the year. Then ..... off to Belize!!!!


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