Expansion Joints

Somewhat Daily Happenings of an Intern Architect


What's going on

A simple act of defiance by one person changed the country.

That is quite an accomplishment. Don't we all want to be that person that goes down in history as having made a difference? The tricky part is, you can never know which act will be the noble one. We can't go through life trying to make a difference to change history. We have to try to make a difference to make not our lives, but our children's lives, our grandchildren's lives, better. I don't think those who are truly great set out trying to be great. Those who are great are humble. They are giving. They are serving. They are stewards.

Since moving to Augusta and becoming a minority in the city, I have had a lot of opportunity to view African American men and women in leadership positions. There is a pride that they carry. A strength. A knowledge that they have had a lot to overcome in history, and in some areas still have a long way to go.

It amazes me, coming back to the South, how far behind we are. How archaic many attitudes are. We have great people in this country, of all colors and nationalities. Instead of focusing on race, it is time that we focused on greatness. We need to teach our children not only about the great people in history, but those traits that make those few people great. I believe they are the same traits that promote strong communities and strong families. They are traits that are disappearing to mega this and mega that society.

If you have them - hold on to them for yourself and pass them on for your future.


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