Expansion Joints

Somewhat Daily Happenings of an Intern Architect


Yeah, I'm That Good

So, we have been introduced to the joys of open houses. We put the "For Sale by Owner" sign in our yard last Sunday. Since then, about 50 flyers have been picked up. We had an open house that afternoon. Paired with the open house next door, we got free advertising and a lot of people streaming through. This Sunday we had about a dozen people come through. There was one couple that seemed very interested. We got good vibes from them, so we'll see what happens. The thing that I can say about hosting an open house is they are very boring. You basically sit for a couple of hours and try to be friendly, but not too interested in the people coming through your home. I have gotten a lot of compliments on my decor.

I sent out my portfolio and resume to five firms in Augusta last Tuesday. I was going to do follow up calls this afternoon and tomorrow to try to set up interviews at the end of this week (since we will be down looking for a place to live). Well, I have already received two emails from two of the firms saying they were very impressed with my work and would like to set up interviews. Awesome!! *toot toot* (that's me tooting my own horn, not passing gas like some sisters I know ...)

Only three weeks left in Springfield. It get tough when we think about all that we are leaving behind, but it is very exciting to think of all that will be waiting in the southeast. I have to say that a big part of me just wants this part to be over and to get on with the new chapter in our life. I never have been one to get too sentimental, so impatience is starting to kick in. It will be a lot more fun when we have signed a lease and know what we are moving into. Hopefully a loft!


At 26 September, 2005 17:54 , Blogger Summer from Lorelei Caroline said...

I laughed for about five minutes after reading the first part of that sentence, then laughed extremely hard for another 15 on the second half. :D


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